SeafoodSource: “Seafood deals abound as Americans plan to spend record amounts on Mother’s Day”

Originally Published on SeafoodSource
Americans plan to shatter spending records on Mother’s Day this year, according to a new survey from the National Retail Federation (NRF).
By Christine Blank
E-commerce seafood sellers, such as Secret Island Salmon, Roger’s Fish Co., and Legal Sea Foods are also touting seafood specials and recipes. The trend of Americans cooking more seafood at home since the start of the pandemic has continued, Secret Island Head of U.S. Business Development Daniel Del Coro said.
“This is our first Mother’s Day with a complete product line, including our bundles, so we’re excited to be able to offer our legendary salmon for one of our favorite holidays. We’ve received some great recognition as one of the best gifts for Mother’s Day and are seeing increased volume as a result,” Del Coro told SeafoodSource.
Forbes magazine featured Secret Island’s grilling salmon bundle in a Mother’s Day grilling article. The kit includes Atlantic salmon burgers and hot dogs for USD 64 (EUR 59), and suggesting making Secret Island’s smoked coho salmon bacon with a spring vegetable frittata and mimosas for a Mother’s Day brunch.